Android Anti Theft App Android Source Code


The Android Anti-Theft Application is a security solution meticulously designed to safeguard your Android devices. This application goes beyond conventional measures, not only detecting unauthorized access attempts but also providing a suite of basic features to fortify data protection and ensure the overall safety of your device. Seamlessly register and login with your personal details, and experience heightened security with features such as intruder detection, mobile blocking by call, device tracking, discreet photo capture, location tracking, and comprehensive app logs. Developed in Android (Java) and integrating with SQLite, Firebase Realtime Database, and Firebase User Authentication, this application is crafted for stability and functionality. Originally conceived as a university final year project, it serves as a versatile template for users to customize and enhance based on their specific security needs.


User Registration: Securely register with your unique username, email, password, contact number, and address.

User Login: Access the application seamlessly by entering your registered username and password.

Intruder Detection: Instantly identify and capture intruders attempting to unlock your device.

Call Listener: Detect incoming calls.

Mobile Blocking by Call: Lock your phone instantly with a simple call from your predefined number.

Track Device: Remotely monitor your device's status and track its last location using the registered email.

Capture Photo: Discreetly capture photos of potential intruders without their knowledge.

Location Tracking: Utilize GPS technology to record and track your device's location, enhancing security.

App Logs: Keep detailed logs of events and activities for a comprehensive security overview.

Admin Receiver: Application acts as an Admin App.


Databases: Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase User Authentication

IDE: Android Studio (Latest Version)

Minimum SDK: 26

Target SDK: 31


Setting Up Firebase Account and Configuring Authentication:

Create a Firebase Project:

Go to the Firebase Console.

Click on "Add Project" and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new project.

Enable Firebase Authentication:

In your Firebase project, navigate to the "Authentication" section from the left-hand menu.

Click on "Set up sign-in method" and enable the authentication methods you want to use (e.g., Email/Password).

Configuring Realtime Database:

Enable Realtime Database:

In the Firebase Console, go to the "Realtime Database" section.

Click on "Create Database" and choose "Start in test mode" for simplicity.

Click on "Enable" to activate the Realtime Database.

Downloading Firebase Configuration File:

Add Android App to Firebase Project:

Click on the gear icon next to "Project Overview" and select "Project settings."

Under the "Your apps" section, click on the Android icon to add a new app to your project.

Enter your app's package name (you can find it in your AndroidManifest.xml file) and follow the on-screen instructions.

Download Config File:

After adding your app, click on the "Download google-services.json" button.

Integrating Config File into Android Project:

Place google-services.json in Your Android Project:

Once downloaded, move the google-services.json file to the app directory of your Android Studio project.

Update Project Gradle Files:

In your project-level build.gradle file, add the following classpath dependency: classpath ''

In your app-level build.gradle file, apply the Google Services plugin:

apply plugin: ''

Sync Your Project:

Sync your project with the updated Gradle files by clicking on "Sync Now" in Android Studio

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